Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 454
21 Adams Street Collection
This collection contains property records for the house at 21 Adams Street in the Ironbound section of Newark. The records cover the years from 1869-1975. They contain a record of ownership going back to 1835.
Adela Coca Papers
An expert on domestic violence and advocate for battered women. Founding member of the Puerto Rican Day Parade in Paterson, New Jersey. Resource for studying the life of an avid community activist and educator in Northern New Jersey. Collection consists of applications, awards, by-laws, correspondence, directories, financial records, minutes, newspaper clippings, photos, press releases, programs, reports, and writings.
AFSC Prison Watch Records
A.K. DeLemos Scrapbooks
Al Henderson Photographs
Al Lowe Riots Photos
This collection contains photos taken by Al Lowe of the Newark Riots in July 1967.
Albert L. Vreeland Collection
Albert R. Vogeler Papers
This small collection consists of items related to a family that operated a leather goods and shoe fittings store in Newark from the 1890s through the first half of the 20th century. Albert R. Vogeler, Jr. (1930-2016), the grandson of the founder, was the collector of the materials.
Alexander Mark Collection
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Charles F. Cummings New Jersey Information Center, Newark Public Library 366
- Puerto Rican Community Archives, New Jersey Hispanic Research & Information Center 50
- Special Collections, Newark Public Library 30
- James Brown African American Room 4
- Philip Roth Personal Library 3
- Subject
- Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 20th century 199
- Photographs 111
- Clippings (information artifacts) 107
- New Jersey -- History -- 20th century 93
- Letters (correspondence) 85
- Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 19th century 60
- Scrapbooks 56
- Programs (documents) 42
- Brochures 40
- Papers (documents) 38
- Reports 37
- African Americans -- New Jersey -- Newark 35
- New Jersey -- History -- 19th century 32
- Manuscripts (documents) 30
- Fliers (printed matter) 28
- Minutes (administrative records) 24
- Associations, institutions, etc. -- New Jersey -- Newark 21
- Documents 21
- Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 21st century 21
- Music -- New Jersey -- Newark 20
- Pamphlets 20
- Schools -- New Jersey -- Newark 20
- Business -- New Jersey -- Newark 17
- Education -- New Jersey -- Newark 17
- Files 17
- Newark (N.J.) -- Politics and government -- 20th century 17
- Buildings -- New Jersey -- Newark 16
- Essex County (N.J.) -- History -- 20th Century 16
- Women -- New Jersey -- Newark 15
- Financial records 14
- Industry -- New Jersey -- Newark 14
- Press releases 14
- Publications 14
- Newsletters 12
- Newspapers 12
- Newspapers -- New Jersey -- Newark 12
- Photocopies 12
- World War, 1939-1945 12
- Booklets 11
- Articles 9
- Associations, institutions, etc. -- New Jersey 9
- Authors, American -- New Jersey -- Newark 9
- Invitations 9
- New Jersey -- History -- 18th century 9
- Activism -- New Jersey -- Newark 8
- Churches -- New Jersey -- Newark 8
- Civil rights -- New Jersey -- Newark 8
- Digital collection 8
- Ledgers 8
- Music -- New Jersey 8
- Postcards 8
- Transcripts 8
- Women -- New Jersey 8
- Cities and towns -- New Jersey 7
- Clubs -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Housing -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Italian Americans -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 18th century 7
- Newspapers -- New Jersey 7
- Nonprofit organizations -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Police -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Theaters -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Universities and colleges -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
- Architecture -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
- Audiovisual materials 6
- Books 6
- Born digital 6
- Community organization -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
- Ethnic groups -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
- Hospitals -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
- Maps 6
- Newark (N.J.) -- Centennial celebrations, etc. 6
- Oral histories 6
- Parks -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
- Posters 6
- Speeches 6
- Urban renewal -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
- World War, 1914-1918 6
- Advertisements 5
- Architecture, Domestic -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Arts -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Authors, American -- New Jersey 5
- Drawings 5
- German Americans -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Historic preservation -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Jazz -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Lists 5
- Magazines 5
- Mayors -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Membership lists 5
- Newark (N.J.) 5
- Poetry 5
- Records (documents) 5
- Riots -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Students -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Surveys (documents) 5
- Teachers -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
- Theaters -- New Jersey 5
- Account books 4
- African American authors -- New Jersey -- Newark 4 ∧ less
- Language
- English 453
- Chinese 1
- Spanish; Castilian 1
- Names
- Gibson, Kenneth A. 8
- James, Sharpe, 1936- 7
- Addonizio, Hugh J., 1914-1981 5
- Baraka, Amiri, 1934-2014 4
- Dana, John Cotton, 1856-1929 4
- University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 4
- Berg, Samuel, ca. 1898-1990. 3
- Essex County Jail (N.J.) 3
- Hahne & Co. 3
- Karp, Donald 3
- L. Bamberger & Co. 3
- Leyendecker, J. C. (Joseph Christian), 1874-1951 3
- Newark (N.J.). Board of Education 3
- Newark Human Rights Commission 3
- Newark Public Library 3
- Rockwell, Norman, 1894-1978 3
- Roth, Philip 3
- Villani, Ralph A. 3
- Winser, Beatrice, 1869-1947 3
- Young Women's Christian Association (Newark, N.J.) 3
- A.K. DeLemos and Company Store 2
- Ashby , William M. (William Mobile), 1889-1991 2
- Bell, Enid, 1904- 2
- Booker, Cory 2
- Borglum, Gutzon, 1867-1941 2
- Byrne, Brendan T., 1924-2018 2
- Carlin, Leo P., 1908-1999 2
- Central High School (Newark, N.J.) 2
- Clinton Hill Neighborhood Council. 2
- Cole, Timothy, 1852-1931 2
- Consumers League of New Jersey 2
- Coombs, Elizabeth Lockwood 2
- Cummings, Charles F. 2
- Curvin, Robert 2
- Dyckman, Mary L. 2
- Elizabeth Daily Journal 2
- Essex County (N.J.). Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs 2
- Gasser, Henry M., 1909-1981 2
- Grolier Club 2
- Henderson, Elizabeth Baker 2
- Hobbie, Lucille 2
- Housing Authority of the City of Newark (New Jersey) 2
- Ironbound Community Corporation 2
- Jenkinson, Richard C., 1853-1930 2
- Jihad Productions 2
- Kingdon, Frank, 1894-1972 2
- Konrad, Adolf, 1915-2004 2
- Landsberger, Kurt 2
- Manley, Effa, 1897-1981 2
- Murphy, Vincent J., 1893-1976 2
- Mutschler, Henry F. 2
- Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company 2
- New Jersey. Department of Transportation 2
- Newark (N.J.). Police Department 2
- Newark Bears (Baseball team) 2
- Newark City Hospital (N.J.) 2
- Newark College of Engineering 2
- Newark Garden Club 2
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 2
- O'Neill , Juan , 1957 2
- Rabin, B. M. (Bernard M.) 2
- Republican Party (Essex County, N.J.) 2
- Rutgers--Newark 2
- Shahn, Ben, 1898-1969 2
- Urban League of New Jersey 2
- Vas, Joseph 2
- Wack, Henry Wellington, 1869-1954 2
- Zak, Nancy, 1948- 2
- AHEPA (Organization) 1
- AMAX Specialty Metals Corporation 1
- AdTek Engineering, Inc. 1
- Adam, (Biblical figure) 1
- Adams, Adam A. 1
- After Hours 1
- Alajalov, Constantin, 1900-1987 1
- Albert M. Greenfield & Co 1
- Alford, George, 1924-2000 1
- Alford, Roberta 1
- Allison, Hughes 1
- Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 1836-1912 1
- Aloupis, James A. 1
- Alrutz, Thomas J. 1
- American Association for the United Nations. Newark Chapter 1
- American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey 1
- American Institute of Graphic Arts 1
- American Institute of Planners 1
- American Legion 1
- Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870 1
- Angelo, John, 1922- 1
- Anthony, Daniel S. 1
- Antonius, Nicholas 1
- Arion Press 1
- Art Libraries Society of North America 1
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 1
- Bacher, Otto H. (Otto Henry), 1856-1909 1
- Badillo, Herman, 1929-2014 1
- Baker, Jacob (1895-1967) 1
- Baker, Mildred (1905-1998) 1
- Banister, Arthur C. 1
- Banister, Isaac 1 ∧ less