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AFSC Prison Watch Records

Identifier: MG NJ Prison Watch-(Offsite)

Scope and Contents

The AFSC Prison Watch Records consist of administrative research files containing annual reports, articles, book lists, conference papers, newsletters, clippings, correspondence, programs, resolutions, publications, and reports. Included in these files are a history for AFSC, committee notes, community relations, organizational charts, proposals and strategic plans. These materials offer a significant look into the organization’s efforts to combat abuse and assist in reentry efforts for formerly incarcerated people.

The series is organized in five series:

Series I: Administrative Files
The administrative files in this Series contain annual reports, articles, book lists, conference papers, clippings, correspondence, obituaries, reports, photographs, publications, court cases, information about detention centers, newsletters, prisons, programs, resolutions, etc. original artwork (chapbooks, poetry books created incarcerated writers and artists, publications) from organizations such as the Human Rights Coalition, first-person accounts from currently and formerly incarcerated people. A history for AFSC, committee notes, community relations, organizational charts, perspective, proposals, strategic plans, and other files are included in this series.

Series II: Individual Research Files
Individual research files in this series include biographies, proposals, flyers, clippings, correspondence and parole letters and photographs. Individuals found in this series include Sundiata Acoli, Kuwasi Balagoon, Angela Davis, L Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin, George Jackson, Mumia Jamal, Geronimo Pratt, Todd Tarselli, Hatari Wa Haki, and Judith Yasquez among. There is a significant amount of files related to a campaign to free Sundiata.

Series III: Subject Files
Prison Watch’s subjects’ files were used to build cases, gather information, letter campaigns, formulate strategies, form coalitions, and sustain the organization as a whole. These files include flyers, clippings and correspondence. They are organized by state and alphabetically.

Series IV: Publications
This series contains a list of publications produced by Prison Watch along with journals, magazines, and newspapers received by the organization that feature stories about incarcerated people, prisons, riots, and state and federal funding.

Series V: Ojore Lutalo
Ojore Lutalo is an artist and activist released from Trenton State Penitentiary in 2009 after serving 28 years, 22 of those years in solitary confinement because of his political beliefs and activism. To keep his sanity during his imprisonment, he abided by a strict regimen of physical exercise, meditation, and study. Over the years, he began creating collages as a way to maintain his sanity and to convey the physical and emotional reality he experienced in solitary confinement. This series contains correspondence and artwork, produced by Lutalo.


  • 1980 - 2024
  • Majority of material found within 2000 - 2022

Conditions Governing Use

Researchers wishing to publish, reproduce, or reprint materials from this collection must obtain permission.

Biographical / Historical

The Prison Watch Program of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Newark-based activist group that monitors human rights abuses in U.S. federal and state prisons, provides advocacy support to imprisoned individuals and their family members, collects testimonies by incarcerated people exposed to state violence, and creates and disseminates resources to help people survive incarceration. For nearly four decades, Bonnie Kerness has served as the coordinator for Prison Watch.

In 1976, activist Bonnie Kerness began working for AFSC’s Criminal Justice Program in Newark, where she helped to develop two key projects: the New Directions Youth Project and the Family Stabilization Project. Both projects sought to provide reentry support to incarcerated individuals and their families. Recognizing reentry as a family and community issue, these projects provided free counseling and advocacy support to formerly incarcerated and recently released individuals and their loved ones.

In 1986, Kerness received a letter from political prisoner Ojore Lutalo. After visiting Lutalo at Trenton State Prison in New Jersey, Kerness discovered that Lutalo was one of many political prisoners who had been sequestered in management control units (MCU) and subjected to years of solitary confinement. Kerness cites Lutalo’s affiliation with the Black Liberation Army (BLA)—whose members included several high-profile freedom fighters, such as Sundiata Acoli and Assata Shakur—as the primary reason for Lutalo’s administrative isolation.

In the following years, AFSC’s Criminal Justice Program formalized into the Prison Watch Program, as Kerness, staff, and student volunteers turned their attention towards monitoring human rights abuses in prisons. As Prison Watch’s investigations and reports detailed, Management Control Units had begun cropping up in U.S. prisons throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Kerness traces the construction of these military-style control units, which relied on the use of prolonged isolation and sensory deprivation, to the years following the civil rights movement and the widespread imprisonment of black and brown freedom fighters.

From the mid-1990’s onwards, the Prison Watch has circulated pamphlets, manuals, and reports produced collaboratively by incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people with Prison Watch volunteers and students. Prison Watch has contributed to a range of publications. More recently, Kerness helped publish, “Torture in New Jersey Prisons” and “Survivors’ Speak,” which were both submitted to the United Nations as a Shadow Report for the Committee on Torture.

Today, Prison Watch continues to disseminate public information on human rights abuses and respond to the immediate needs of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people. Prison Watch has successfully advocated for decarceration through a variety of ongoing legislative actions and campaigns such as the use of the Public Health Emergency Act, which helped to secure the release more than five thousand at-risk incarcerated people during the Covid-19 pandemic. Other advocacy work includes the Clemency Project, the Second Look Campaign, The Dignity Act, and the passage of the Isolated Confinement Restriction Act. For decades, Prison Watch has provided grass roots expertise to coalitions, advocacy groups, community organizations, students, writers, and the media, while also promoting national and international attention to the practices of isolation and torture in prison.


17 Linear Feet (17 Boxes) : 17 Paige Boxes ; 12" x 15" x 10"

Language of Materials



The AFSC Prison Watch Records consist of administrative research files containing annual reports, articles, book lists, conference papers, newsletters, clippings, correspondence, programs, resolutions, publications, and reports. Included in these files are a history for AFSC, committee notes, community relations, organizational charts, proposals and strategic plans. These materials offer a significant look into the organization’s efforts to combat abuse and assist in reentry efforts for formerly incarcerated people.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The collection was donated by Bonnie Kerness in August of 2024.

Processing Information

The materials in the collection were selected and arranged by Steven Fullwood and Eva Cilman with the assistance of Myles Bonadie. Further selection, arrangement and processing was done at Newark Public Library. The collection remains lightly processed at the box level and all materials remain in their original enclosures.

AFSC Prison Watch Records
Steven Fullwood and Vanessa Castaldo
March 2025
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Charles F. Cummings New Jersey Information Center, Newark Public Library Repository

3rd Floor
Newark Public Library
5 Washington St.
Newark NJ 07102 United States