Found in 149 Collections and/or Records:
Al Henderson Photographs
Al Lowe Riots Photos
This collection contains photos taken by Al Lowe of the Newark Riots in July 1967.
Albert R. Vogeler Papers
This small collection consists of items related to a family that operated a leather goods and shoe fittings store in Newark from the 1890s through the first half of the 20th century. Albert R. Vogeler, Jr. (1930-2016), the grandson of the founder, was the collector of the materials.
Alford Family Papers
A collection of photo albums and other materials on the family of George and Roberta Alford and Frontier’s International, Newark branch.
Almon W. Johnston Collection
The collection consists of four flat boxes of black and white photographs, mostly 8" x 10" prints. A substantial number of the photographs are stamped with Johnston's name on the back. Subjects include Newark photos, photos from WNJR interviews and broadcasts, Newark Airport, military photos, sports and recreation as covered in the Newark Sunday Call, miscellaneous Associated Press photos and personal family photos, portraits and settings.
Angel M. Quiñones Papers
Community and political activist. Founding member of the Borinquén Democratic Club and Puerto Rican Fatima Club in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Resource for studying the life of an avid community activist in Central New Jersey. Collection consists of awards, by-laws, correspondence, financial records, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photos and press releases.
Banister Shoe Company Collection
This collection consists of records from the James A. Banister Shoe Company of Newark, NJ from 1890-1935, as well as research on the company from 2016
Barbara J. Kukla Papers
Berg picture collection
Bloomfield Community War Chest Campaign Scrapbook
This scrapbook comprises clippings and photographs related to 1946 War Chest Campaign in Bloomfied, N.J.