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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 454

CFCNJIC Archival Material in Book/DVD Collection (Partial List)

Identifier: Book and DVD Collection
Scope and Contents Following are a selection of archival items in the Book and DVD collections. Search our catalog for a full list at [Three Bamberger's videos : Christmas 1926 ; Bamberger parade 1930s ; Bamberger's Thanksgiving parade 1944] / 381.141 T4132 Newark Public Library Biographies on DVD search at for author "Voices & Visions Productions" (11 DVDs incl....
Dates: Majority of material found within Bulk 1900s-2000s

CFCNJIC Card Files

Identifier: Card Files
Scope and Contents The following list may not be completely comprehensive. Board of Ed. Photos (School Photos) Index (all digitized at (Drawers 171-172) Dana Collection (Drawers 14-15) Dorer Collection (Drawer 23) Librariana (Drawer 43) Manuscripts Index (many archives included) (Drawer 36) NPL Scrapbooks (Drawer 35) ...
Dates: c. 1930-1990

CFCNJIC City Directories and Phonebooks

Identifier: City Directories & Phonebooks
Scope and Contents The CFCNJIC owns hard copy and microfilm city directories from roughly 1835-1980s. Additionally the CFCNJIC owns NJ Bell Telephone Directories on microfilm covering the entire state from roughly 1900-1990 depending on location.The CFCNJIC has hard copy Newark phonebooks through 2019. The CFCNJIC also owns reverse address directories for Newark and Suburban Essex through 2019 (these start in the city directories in the 1920s, and become separate volumes c. 1972). ...
Dates: Statewide: 1870s - early 1990s (depending on locality) Newark: 1835-2019

CFCNJIC Documents Collections

Identifier: Documents
Scope and Contents

This collection includes documents published by the state, county, and city. It also includes "Quasi" collections which are documents from non-governmental organizations including non-profits and other associations, institutions, and clubs.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1880-2010

CFCNJIC Information Files

Identifier: IF Files

These subject files of newspaper clippings have been prepared by NJ Room Staff.

Dates: c. 1900-Current

CFCNJIC Microfilm Newspaper Collection

Identifier: Newspapers
Scope and Contents The biggest Newark papers are the Newark Daily Advertiser (19th century) the Newark News (also known as the Newark Evening News or Newark Sunday News, 1883-1972) and the Star Ledger (became the largest paper after the News). The Newark Library has a near-complete run of all three papers.Microfilmed papers are not indexed or full-text searchable. Newark Evening News has a full run index for most articles 1914-1972 [obits not death notices], see: "Newark News Morgue" entry...
Dates: 1777 - 2019

CFCNJIC Periodical Collection

Identifier: Periodicals
Scope and Contents Our periodicals collection includes three distinct parts, Unbound Periodicals, Bound Periodicals and Government Periodicals. Periodicals are searchable via the catalog.Here is a PARTIAL list of some of the titles (does not include Unbound, or full list of Government):Air Pollution AdvisoryAir Pollution NotesAir SanBulletin of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey.Architecture New JerseyAtlantic...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1900s-Current

Charles L. Hedden Diary

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MG Nwk Hedden-(Fileroom)
Scope and Contents Includes folded budget of C. M. Hedden Company, Newark hat manufacturer.Entries in diary include daily activities, law work, some travel etc. Diary written when Charles was age 29-32 (depending on date of birth sometimes listed 1889 or 1890).Typical entries: "Friday spent all morning at office and downtown home for lunch and search for books and library card, whole afternoon at Public Library reading History and Anthropology and Commerce"...
Dates: 1919 - 1921

Charles Lanman Manuscripts

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MG Lanman-(Fileroom)
Scope and Contents This collection consists of letters received by Charles Lanman from eight Senators and Congressmen from New Jersey (in one case from a secretary). The letters contain biographical details and were composed in response to a circular distributed by Lanman in the course of research for his, "Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States, during its first century..." (Washington, DC, 1876). The letters are accompanied by typed explanatory notes supplied by the dealer, Maury A....
Dates: 1858 - 1868

Charles P. Ross records

Identifier: MG Nwk Ross-(Fileroom)
Scope and Contents The Charles P. Ross business records consist primarily of general financial ledgers of daily transactions, and also include lists of real estate for sale, rental records, and bills. The contents are as follows:Box 1 (4 ledgers, and assorted loose records): 1 ledger listing rents received, with an index of the individual accounts (ca. 1897-1905); 2 general ledgers of daily transactions that record rents and payments received and bills paid (1904-1908); a list of "Building Lots,...
Dates: 1887 - 1910

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Charles F. Cummings New Jersey Information Center, Newark Public Library 366
Puerto Rican Community Archives, New Jersey Hispanic Research & Information Center 50
Special Collections, Newark Public Library 30
James Brown African American Room 4
Philip Roth Personal Library 3
∨ more  
Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 20th century 199
Photographs 111
Clippings (information artifacts) 107
New Jersey -- History -- 20th century 93
Letters (correspondence) 85
∨ more
Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 19th century 60
Scrapbooks 56
Programs (documents) 42
Brochures 40
Papers (documents) 38
Reports 37
African Americans -- New Jersey -- Newark 35
New Jersey -- History -- 19th century 32
Manuscripts (documents) 30
Fliers (printed matter) 28
Minutes (administrative records) 24
Associations, institutions, etc. -- New Jersey -- Newark 21
Documents 21
Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 21st century 21
Music -- New Jersey -- Newark 20
Pamphlets 20
Schools -- New Jersey -- Newark 20
Business -- New Jersey -- Newark 17
Education -- New Jersey -- Newark 17
Files 17
Newark (N.J.) -- Politics and government -- 20th century 17
Buildings -- New Jersey -- Newark 16
Essex County (N.J.) -- History -- 20th Century 16
Women -- New Jersey -- Newark 15
Financial records 14
Industry -- New Jersey -- Newark 14
Press releases 14
Publications 14
Newsletters 12
Newspapers 12
Newspapers -- New Jersey -- Newark 12
Photocopies 12
World War, 1939-1945 12
Booklets 11
Articles 9
Associations, institutions, etc. -- New Jersey 9
Authors, American -- New Jersey -- Newark 9
Invitations 9
New Jersey -- History -- 18th century 9
Activism -- New Jersey -- Newark 8
Churches -- New Jersey -- Newark 8
Civil rights -- New Jersey -- Newark 8
Digital collection 8
Ledgers 8
Music -- New Jersey 8
Postcards 8
Transcripts 8
Women -- New Jersey 8
Cities and towns -- New Jersey 7
Clubs -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Housing -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Italian Americans -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Newark (N.J.) -- History -- 18th century 7
Newspapers -- New Jersey 7
Nonprofit organizations -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Police -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Theaters -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Universities and colleges -- New Jersey -- Newark 7
Architecture -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
Audiovisual materials 6
Books 6
Born digital 6
Community organization -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
Ethnic groups -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
Hospitals -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
Maps 6
Newark (N.J.) -- Centennial celebrations, etc. 6
Oral histories 6
Parks -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
Posters 6
Speeches 6
Urban renewal -- New Jersey -- Newark 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
Advertisements 5
Architecture, Domestic -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Arts -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Authors, American -- New Jersey 5
Drawings 5
German Americans -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Historic preservation -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Jazz -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Lists 5
Magazines 5
Mayors -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Membership lists 5
Newark (N.J.) 5
Poetry 5
Records (documents) 5
Riots -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Students -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Surveys (documents) 5
Teachers -- New Jersey -- Newark 5
Theaters -- New Jersey 5
Account books 4
African American authors -- New Jersey -- Newark 4
∧ less
English 453
Chinese 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Gibson, Kenneth A. 8
James, Sharpe, 1936- 7
Addonizio, Hugh J., 1914-1981 5
Baraka, Amiri, 1934-2014 4
Dana, John Cotton, 1856-1929 4
∨ more
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 4
Berg, Samuel, ca. 1898-1990. 3
Essex County Jail (N.J.) 3
Hahne & Co. 3
Karp, Donald 3
L. Bamberger & Co. 3
Leyendecker, J. C. (Joseph Christian), 1874-1951 3
Newark (N.J.). Board of Education 3
Newark Human Rights Commission 3
Newark Public Library 3
Rockwell, Norman, 1894-1978 3
Roth, Philip 3
Villani, Ralph A. 3
Winser, Beatrice, 1869-1947 3
Young Women's Christian Association (Newark, N.J.) 3
A.K. DeLemos and Company Store 2
Ashby , William M. (William Mobile), 1889-1991 2
Bell, Enid, 1904- 2
Booker, Cory 2
Borglum, Gutzon, 1867-1941 2
Byrne, Brendan T., 1924-2018 2
Carlin, Leo P., 1908-1999 2
Central High School (Newark, N.J.) 2
Clinton Hill Neighborhood Council. 2
Cole, Timothy, 1852-1931 2
Consumers League of New Jersey 2
Coombs, Elizabeth Lockwood 2
Cummings, Charles F. 2
Curvin, Robert 2
Dyckman, Mary L. 2
Elizabeth Daily Journal 2
Essex County (N.J.). Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs 2
Gasser, Henry M., 1909-1981 2
Grolier Club 2
Henderson, Elizabeth Baker 2
Hobbie, Lucille 2
Housing Authority of the City of Newark (New Jersey) 2
Ironbound Community Corporation 2
Jenkinson, Richard C., 1853-1930 2
Jihad Productions 2
Kingdon, Frank, 1894-1972 2
Konrad, Adolf, 1915-2004 2
Landsberger, Kurt 2
Manley, Effa, 1897-1981 2
Murphy, Vincent J., 1893-1976 2
Mutschler, Henry F. 2
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company 2
New Jersey. Department of Transportation 2
Newark (N.J.). Police Department 2
Newark Bears (Baseball team) 2
Newark City Hospital (N.J.) 2
Newark College of Engineering 2
Newark Garden Club 2
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 2
O'Neill , Juan , 1957 2
Rabin, B. M. (Bernard M.) 2
Republican Party (Essex County, N.J.) 2
Rutgers--Newark 2
Shahn, Ben, 1898-1969 2
Urban League of New Jersey 2
Vas, Joseph 2
Wack, Henry Wellington, 1869-1954 2
Zak, Nancy, 1948- 2
AHEPA (Organization) 1
AMAX Specialty Metals Corporation 1
AdTek Engineering, Inc. 1
Adam, (Biblical figure) 1
Adams, Adam A. 1
After Hours 1
Alajalov, Constantin, 1900-1987 1
Albert M. Greenfield & Co 1
Alford, George, 1924-2000 1
Alford, Roberta 1
Allison, Hughes 1
Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 1836-1912 1
Aloupis, James A. 1
Alrutz, Thomas J. 1
American Association for the United Nations. Newark Chapter 1
American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey 1
American Institute of Graphic Arts 1
American Institute of Planners 1
American Legion 1
Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870 1
Angelo, John, 1922- 1
Anthony, Daniel S. 1
Antonius, Nicholas 1
Arion Press 1
Art Libraries Society of North America 1
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 1
Bacher, Otto H. (Otto Henry), 1856-1909 1
Badillo, Herman, 1929-2014 1
Baker, Jacob (1895-1967) 1
Baker, Mildred (1905-1998) 1
Banister, Arthur C. 1
Banister, Isaac 1
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